martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Sicko is a documentary of Michael Moore. In the beginning is shocking to see how a man should sutured a wound of your knee, because he does can't pay for the procedure, and comment that so health system is normal.

Busch appears in the documentary says: "Many very good doctors are leaving the business. Many OB-GYNs are not able to practice their love with women all over the country" after these words people applaud.

The film show the system of USA that is responsibility of private, this causes many people remain outside the system because they can’t pay for their health, sometimes preferring to drag the health problem for life, for example, the film show a cases of mutilation of the fingers of one hand, the protagonist of the accident by not having enough money to replant your fingers, must live with his mutilated hand all his life as an example of badly health system.

Our health system is mixed, the government cares for people who can not pay for health, there is a common fund (FONASA) where discounting to all worker a percentage of salary (7%) for pay the health public.

The system has problems because the user demand is greater than the number of health professionals; this is evident in winter by the increase in respiratory illnesses for example.

The system is not perfect, but tries not to leave anyone out, now exist the AUGE GES, is a program of government that ensuring and monitoring the treatment of certain pathologies.

The activity was good, the topic is interesting, but it is exhausting to watch a documentary and sustain attention...

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Alexis,

    Yes, I know the activity was tiring. But, I´m happy to read your blog and see that you have managed to capture the very essence of the documentary. You are right, in Chile there is some progress, but still a lot needs to be done, don´t you think?

    Remember to use the right pronoun, for example, he cut HIS finger, they cut THEIR fingers, etc.

    Also, you should write the post about Dr. Valenzuela's talk.

