miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Good evening, infidel

Achmed the dead terrorist is a ventriloquism puppet of Jeff Dunham that over time has added fans in YouTube.

Achmed is a skeleton who was killed by the premature explosion of a bomb. It was not an example of a suicide bomber, but it is very funny, has a black humor that really catches my attention, I that with time I understood through English class, before long I understood not much.

Forever I liked the comedy, which makes things a little easier, plus a touch of black humor Achmed makes my favorite character.

Achmed is not the only Jeff Dunham's Puppets are also Peanut, Walter, Jose Jalapeño on a stick, Bubba J, Melvin the superhero and Sweet Daddy Dee.

Achmed is famous for his catchphrase "Silence, I'll kill you." Achmed says he's not dead, says "It's a flesh wound", it's funny because it is a skeleton.

Achmed also appears in a Christmas special where it causes feeling her song "Jingle Bombs"

One of my dreams is to see Jeff Dunham Live, I like the humor on current events and American stereotypes, in addition to the puppets are made by himself, which makes their work unique.

a bit about the artist behind the puppet, Dunham was born in Dallas, Texas in 1962 and grew up in a rich neighborhood as the only adopted child of a real estate salesman and a homemaker. Started as a ventriloquist at the age of eight, when his parents gave him an Edgar Bergen dummy for Christmas, and borrowed a book on ventriloquism in the library the next day. Dunham began practicing for hours in front of a mirror, studying the routines of Edgar Bergen.

This is the link to view:


jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Chile in the Bicentenary.

The 2010 is the year in that Chile celebrates 200 year of the first governing board, but this year will not be remembered by its “birthday”. February 27: the day of earthquake; October 10: the “33”, the mayor and more successful rescue in the mining history; November 17: the ultimate game of the “Loco”. Certainly this year has not been easy, but the Chilean has showed the solidarity and opinion in these different events. In the essay i`ll review the earthquake February 27, and Chile`s image against the world.

February 27, 2010 – 3:34am: Chile is shaken by one strong earthquake, in 2 minutes and 45 second the South of the country is devastated; the houses and departments are in the floor. One hour after larges waves pound and destroyed all what was left standing. All Chile is disconnected by a blackout, the telephone lines are saturated, and nobody knows anything. The silence and fear seizes all.

This day is remembered as one of tragedies more large of the history, with 521 deceased and more of 500.000 houses destroyed. During the first weekends it is observed how the people want survive, the delinquency increase by looting to stores that still standing. The rescuers play an important role rescuing people who are still trapped in the rubble after several days. The solidarity of the countries is outstanding, the entire world help to Chilean. In Chile is organized a “Teletón” to help the south of the country, was impressive as the north and center of the country, and the neighbors countries joined the cause. Among the international are field hospitals, medical equipment and military, and houses. “Un Techo para Chile” began building emergency shelters with the help of thousands of young volunteers, Chile joined in the emergency, the world was shocked by its solidarity: "Chile es largo y angosto porque cuando se cae una mitad, la otra está para ponerla de pie".

No doubt this year has been very difficult for Chileans, but facing adversity have demonstrated a quality that the world has highlighted: the solidarity and look to the catastrophe. How to forget that image of the Chilean flag waving in the rubble, or muddy and torn flag that came out of the ground and end up waving hands in "Campamento Esperanza". Or the shirts of the football players saying "Fuerza Chile" or "Fuerza Mineros" ... Chile travels the world, rather than tragedy, is your reaction to them. In 2010, what the world does not know the C-H-I?