martes, 22 de junio de 2010


According to the background described above, the evidence is sufficient for the responsibilities of the facts, call the butterfly effect, but there is no person who can say he is innocent or has not done anything, sooner or later we all pay our share social, if everything is as is, because of ourselves as we are all participants in this circus called life. We heard these words of the last rapporteur, but no one listened, the cell was the last surviving this cancer that contaminated all, this tissue known as a society reached a point beyond repair, the damage was chronic.
After all, the only fight against this is chemotherapy, but your struggles to find a definitive cure, such as the use of stem cells, but the big question is: do we have stem cells within our society already contaminated?, Because in The search of survivors only found people already differentiated, then science should take another course: seeking a cure in differentiated cells, to use to cells that for some reason is reluctant to lose their lineage, the revolutionaries. In a crazy world, it's crazy to be sane, but crazy people are the ones who see this world differently, ie, the only ones who can even think to change the course of history. Course, is not at all easy to take the reins of social change without being called a heretic, crazy, lunatic, or any other adjective. The differentiated cells that for some reason still unpolluted, were necessary to cure the body, the system would recover their homeostasis to achieve development, but there was a big mistake ... The system expected to reach our healthy cells on their own to recruit in this crusade, but for these cells need that approach someone to say "we need you," as this did not occur, the cells are depressed enough, your metabolism down to almost zero, the immune system when I saw these cells, looked down on because they did not produce as much. Most depressions are when we begin to compare with others and we realize that we are different, or that we are not as they want us to be, but there is nothing wrong and that all that is needed is a little understanding, tolerance, self esteem and appreciation of others... This tissue will become infected, silently without realizing it, but despite all the advances in knowledge ... we are more stupid every day.

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