martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Syndrome blank page: the gateway to another world

This begins with the white page syndrome, looking at forms of the paper (in this case the monitor) and try to see what they disclose. I'm not who writes, is the paper which reveals to the pen what it have...
Like all ritual, have procedures: a long period of contemplation, a period of writing without stopping and reverence.
Contemplation: In this stage consists to look with face of fool of the page, view the page until that is no longer only blank, appear fine lines and stains that gradually take meaning, and will be pictures, words, songs, theses, reports, books-keeping, works of art. Write as if the world were to end: This part uses a great concentration; the idea is not to lose the difficult relationship that forms in the contemplative stage. Here translates what the white paper said to a language understandable to all, in my case is usually Spanish. Reverence: At this stage, is made known to others the translation of the page, put in discussion, is shown to the entire new son who has brought this world. Most mortals do to seek admiration, support, or simply for their work is valued and accepted by peers. This is a tribute to the paper blank, but usually the author is who takes credit of the translation and makes appropriations of the honor, he forgets that the paper is who has "spoken" and says that is only a simple holder, at this moment the name of the reverence is publication.
Many have over time forgotten this fact, and therefore the world is currently so, we try to do us great and famous with topics that have been revealed, and we not give the truths credit to who deserves it: paper.

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