martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Career-related website

The website that I visit often is This website is a blog created for a mother and a father for comment with others parents their experiences.

This website have four links:

-Home: In this link is the presentation of the website

-Blog: In this section is the blog posts on the experience of the be parents, actually have many information of diferents topics, for example the baby in the time, useful data for dad, mom and baby, BiberónTV, sexuality, toys, internet games, humor. In synthesis: many publications for all the likes.

-Useful things: Here is a program fantastic: the "pregnancy calendar". This program serves for calculate the weeks of the pregnancy quickly, also describes the formation of the baby in one determined week. The download of this program is free.

-Contac: In this place is the form of to contact the creators of the blog and also the invitation of make a cash donation to the website.

Whit I visit this website?

I visit this website becouse I may know that thinks the parents on diferents topics, their doubts and fears parenting when.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello alexis
    I did not know that blogs and I found interesting, I think parents sharing their experiences increase their knowledge and this is very good


  2. hello!!!!!!!
    is very interesting your blogg! :)
    this website is very nice and is important
    for the midwife...

    bye! =)

    very nice your photo =)
