miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Good evening, infidel

Achmed the dead terrorist is a ventriloquism puppet of Jeff Dunham that over time has added fans in YouTube.

Achmed is a skeleton who was killed by the premature explosion of a bomb. It was not an example of a suicide bomber, but it is very funny, has a black humor that really catches my attention, I that with time I understood through English class, before long I understood not much.

Forever I liked the comedy, which makes things a little easier, plus a touch of black humor Achmed makes my favorite character.

Achmed is not the only Jeff Dunham's Puppets are also Peanut, Walter, Jose Jalapeño on a stick, Bubba J, Melvin the superhero and Sweet Daddy Dee.

Achmed is famous for his catchphrase "Silence, I'll kill you." Achmed says he's not dead, says "It's a flesh wound", it's funny because it is a skeleton.

Achmed also appears in a Christmas special where it causes feeling her song "Jingle Bombs"

One of my dreams is to see Jeff Dunham Live, I like the humor on current events and American stereotypes, in addition to the puppets are made by himself, which makes their work unique.

a bit about the artist behind the puppet, Dunham was born in Dallas, Texas in 1962 and grew up in a rich neighborhood as the only adopted child of a real estate salesman and a homemaker. Started as a ventriloquist at the age of eight, when his parents gave him an Edgar Bergen dummy for Christmas, and borrowed a book on ventriloquism in the library the next day. Dunham began practicing for hours in front of a mirror, studying the routines of Edgar Bergen.

This is the link to view:


jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Chile in the Bicentenary.

The 2010 is the year in that Chile celebrates 200 year of the first governing board, but this year will not be remembered by its “birthday”. February 27: the day of earthquake; October 10: the “33”, the mayor and more successful rescue in the mining history; November 17: the ultimate game of the “Loco”. Certainly this year has not been easy, but the Chilean has showed the solidarity and opinion in these different events. In the essay i`ll review the earthquake February 27, and Chile`s image against the world.

February 27, 2010 – 3:34am: Chile is shaken by one strong earthquake, in 2 minutes and 45 second the South of the country is devastated; the houses and departments are in the floor. One hour after larges waves pound and destroyed all what was left standing. All Chile is disconnected by a blackout, the telephone lines are saturated, and nobody knows anything. The silence and fear seizes all.

This day is remembered as one of tragedies more large of the history, with 521 deceased and more of 500.000 houses destroyed. During the first weekends it is observed how the people want survive, the delinquency increase by looting to stores that still standing. The rescuers play an important role rescuing people who are still trapped in the rubble after several days. The solidarity of the countries is outstanding, the entire world help to Chilean. In Chile is organized a “Teletón” to help the south of the country, was impressive as the north and center of the country, and the neighbors countries joined the cause. Among the international are field hospitals, medical equipment and military, and houses. “Un Techo para Chile” began building emergency shelters with the help of thousands of young volunteers, Chile joined in the emergency, the world was shocked by its solidarity: "Chile es largo y angosto porque cuando se cae una mitad, la otra está para ponerla de pie".

No doubt this year has been very difficult for Chileans, but facing adversity have demonstrated a quality that the world has highlighted: the solidarity and look to the catastrophe. How to forget that image of the Chilean flag waving in the rubble, or muddy and torn flag that came out of the ground and end up waving hands in "Campamento Esperanza". Or the shirts of the football players saying "Fuerza Chile" or "Fuerza Mineros" ... Chile travels the world, rather than tragedy, is your reaction to them. In 2010, what the world does not know the C-H-I?

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Well, the stress is when one person feel that the feel unable to comply with all requirements of routine. This happens because the amount of activities is major than the time of the person and also no have free time for recreation.
The stress is one disease of the century 21 that affects to all world. My experience as a student has not escaped the stress, often must be met many responsibilities: work, tests, competitions, exams... only think is stressful.
Often the stress affects the sleep: do not sleep to meet resposabilities or does not sleep because you can not sleep. The solution is have one time of break or find a hobby, but with rigid schedules, long hours and many demands it is almost impossible.
Another important factor is the environment, a place quiet with nature help to decrease the stress levels, then Santiago not helpful.
Me for decrease the stress levels travel the weekend to my homeland: San Felipe, but this these last weeks has not fared much, I think that need a hobby, for example go to the stadium to support my favorite team, and release tension so... another option is to get together with friends to spend time, the problem is that there is no time to do, not exist in my time no prescencial.
Stress does not live a good quality of life

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Huge Commonwealth Games cock-up leads to condoms blocking drains

In Delhi, was celebrating the “Commonwealth Games”, from 1992 that Barcelona Olympics is customary to give prophylactics to athletes. The problem is that condoms blocking the pipes of athletes' village, because they thrown the condoms to toilet.

Games organizers working round the clock for clear the pipes that were blocks for the use of more than 7,000 athletes and officials.

The president of the Commonwealth Games Federation, Mike Fennell, said that is very positive, because “it shows that there is use of condoms” also adds “Athletes are being responsible” The spokesperson said: “We are promoting safe sex.”

Some swimmers presented gastrocolic problems and diarrhoea, Fennell said that is urgent ordered into whether contaminated water, because is responsible for 15 swimmers becoming sick. The blocking of the pipes can produce the contamination.

The spokeswoman said that water is not problem, because no all swimmers to sick, “maybe this group went out to eat something somewhere.”

The spokesman of other countries said that athletes of all disciplines, but that no had to stop training.

The preparations of the 19th Commonwealth Games is chaotic, had problems in the transport, technical malfunctions and problems whit foot, this give a negative image. All these problems suggest of a boycott of the games, and have cost between £3bn-£6bn.

The distribution of free condoms in the last games is:
Sydney Olympics in 2000 was 90,000 free condoms.
Athens Olympics in 2004 was 130,000 free prophylactics
In Beijing Games in 2008 and the Vancouver winter Olympics in February this year was provide 100,000 condoms.
In this games, in only 10 days will have provided more 4,000 condoms free to athletes.

My opinion is that must educate to people disposal the condoms, these can’t throw in the toilet by the problem that happened in this news, the initiative of promote the prophylactics is very good, but must explain how they are used properly and well as eliminate.

For more information, visit:

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Sicko is a documentary of Michael Moore. In the beginning is shocking to see how a man should sutured a wound of your knee, because he does can't pay for the procedure, and comment that so health system is normal.

Busch appears in the documentary says: "Many very good doctors are leaving the business. Many OB-GYNs are not able to practice their love with women all over the country" after these words people applaud.

The film show the system of USA that is responsibility of private, this causes many people remain outside the system because they can’t pay for their health, sometimes preferring to drag the health problem for life, for example, the film show a cases of mutilation of the fingers of one hand, the protagonist of the accident by not having enough money to replant your fingers, must live with his mutilated hand all his life as an example of badly health system.

Our health system is mixed, the government cares for people who can not pay for health, there is a common fund (FONASA) where discounting to all worker a percentage of salary (7%) for pay the health public.

The system has problems because the user demand is greater than the number of health professionals; this is evident in winter by the increase in respiratory illnesses for example.

The system is not perfect, but tries not to leave anyone out, now exist the AUGE GES, is a program of government that ensuring and monitoring the treatment of certain pathologies.

The activity was good, the topic is interesting, but it is exhausting to watch a documentary and sustain attention...

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

V for Vendetta, a film full of symbol

This film is a adaptation of the novel of Alan Moore, was directed by James McTeigue. Your duration is 132 minutes and is one film of action.
This film take as start the powder's revolution of the november 4, 1605 where a group of catolic was arrested and executed by attempt to destroy the United Kingdom Parliament.
The plot have as place a future fictional a november 4, V is the main character that struggle for liberty under a mask of Guy Fawkes and want to destroy one government fascist in Inglaterra.
V appears in to rescue a journalist named Evey attacked by members of the secret police, then that leads to the roof to see a large explosion caused by V, while the background is heard Tchaikovsky's 1812Overture. V vows to destroy the United Kingdom Parliament the november 5 of the next year.
V is a letter that repeats a lot in this movie, besides being the number five Roman and signature of the main character (the film is similar to Fox).
I invite everyone to discover the secrets and symbols of this movie, its content is very deep and depends on your point of view.
see you in class

martes, 22 de junio de 2010


According to the background described above, the evidence is sufficient for the responsibilities of the facts, call the butterfly effect, but there is no person who can say he is innocent or has not done anything, sooner or later we all pay our share social, if everything is as is, because of ourselves as we are all participants in this circus called life. We heard these words of the last rapporteur, but no one listened, the cell was the last surviving this cancer that contaminated all, this tissue known as a society reached a point beyond repair, the damage was chronic.
After all, the only fight against this is chemotherapy, but your struggles to find a definitive cure, such as the use of stem cells, but the big question is: do we have stem cells within our society already contaminated?, Because in The search of survivors only found people already differentiated, then science should take another course: seeking a cure in differentiated cells, to use to cells that for some reason is reluctant to lose their lineage, the revolutionaries. In a crazy world, it's crazy to be sane, but crazy people are the ones who see this world differently, ie, the only ones who can even think to change the course of history. Course, is not at all easy to take the reins of social change without being called a heretic, crazy, lunatic, or any other adjective. The differentiated cells that for some reason still unpolluted, were necessary to cure the body, the system would recover their homeostasis to achieve development, but there was a big mistake ... The system expected to reach our healthy cells on their own to recruit in this crusade, but for these cells need that approach someone to say "we need you," as this did not occur, the cells are depressed enough, your metabolism down to almost zero, the immune system when I saw these cells, looked down on because they did not produce as much. Most depressions are when we begin to compare with others and we realize that we are different, or that we are not as they want us to be, but there is nothing wrong and that all that is needed is a little understanding, tolerance, self esteem and appreciation of others... This tissue will become infected, silently without realizing it, but despite all the advances in knowledge ... we are more stupid every day.

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Syndrome blank page: the gateway to another world

This begins with the white page syndrome, looking at forms of the paper (in this case the monitor) and try to see what they disclose. I'm not who writes, is the paper which reveals to the pen what it have...
Like all ritual, have procedures: a long period of contemplation, a period of writing without stopping and reverence.
Contemplation: In this stage consists to look with face of fool of the page, view the page until that is no longer only blank, appear fine lines and stains that gradually take meaning, and will be pictures, words, songs, theses, reports, books-keeping, works of art. Write as if the world were to end: This part uses a great concentration; the idea is not to lose the difficult relationship that forms in the contemplative stage. Here translates what the white paper said to a language understandable to all, in my case is usually Spanish. Reverence: At this stage, is made known to others the translation of the page, put in discussion, is shown to the entire new son who has brought this world. Most mortals do to seek admiration, support, or simply for their work is valued and accepted by peers. This is a tribute to the paper blank, but usually the author is who takes credit of the translation and makes appropriations of the honor, he forgets that the paper is who has "spoken" and says that is only a simple holder, at this moment the name of the reverence is publication.
Many have over time forgotten this fact, and therefore the world is currently so, we try to do us great and famous with topics that have been revealed, and we not give the truths credit to who deserves it: paper.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Education and prevention, the challenge of the midwife

Education and prevention is a very important issue today, but I want to emphasize on this occasion in his innovative vision. The old model of care raised heal/heal the symptoms to restore health. This new model it does is try to maintain health, to intervene before the filing of a pathology, promote healthy lifestyles, to reach an optimal situation where we should not deal with pathologies (only the strictly unavoidable.)
In this new model, there is still much to do, in my future professional role, I can take the following steps:
1 inform users about the dangers of certain behaviors that present at the time of consultation (smoking, alcoholism, etc)
2 Empowering the users to be trained as instructors, this will cause a change in the family as the head of household to take measures to promote a healthy lifestyle.
3 Interventions in schools on sex education, since this is a topic a bit weak and should be strengthened.
4 Increase the budget for television advertising. Currently the advertising that calls an unhealthy lifestyle in a long time than paid advertising by the health system
5 Conduct workshops free assistance on specific pathologies that affect a community group (for example: cancer, AIDS, etc)
There is still much to do in this area, which is why the new generation of professionals have incorporated this model into their formation, depends on us as a new generation gradually increase the acceptance of this model.
We have big challenges, not to lower the encourage, in our hands is the future!

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Gender roles in health care

This is a topic very important. My experience in studying a career that mostly are women has not been easy, and that your activity main is the care of woman, because implies understand the other gender, is other fisiology that experiment processes that I can only imagine and that never I going to suffer.
Another important point is the laws and unions bit inclusive, for example the health code does not include accoucheur (matrón) within the articles 117 and 118 that explain what is the professional role. This makes it creates a sense of marginalization.
Another example is the Chilean College of Midwives, the first thing we see is that the guild name does not include the other gender (the school says that the name change is in the hands of the minister of economy), but still well within its requirements for schools requires the title of midwife (http://www.colegiodematronasdechile.cl/info.asp?Ob=3&Id=79) but what about the accoucheur?
This has led to a movement on Facebook by the feeling of marginalization, groups such as "Solo matrones" or "MatrÓnes of Chile" have noted this, pushing for are more inclusive our area with the 10% of professionals (the men).
In other career should happen something similar , for example nursing.
for this bicentennial I believe in laws more inclusive in everything that has to do with gender.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

My Furute

In my future, I would love to work in public health. I think there is still much progress in this area.
I also like to work in childbirth, promoting the new model of "humanized delivery, need to incorporate this new model of attention being and holistic vision that integrates the user, in other words, it is based beyond the biological, is to see to the user as a whole and attend to that point of view, delivering better care. Professional in my future as I want to promote this kind of attention for its revolves around the user and be able to give you the confidence and support.
I think we should change the Chilean midwifery, although the figures have been lower maternal and fetal mortality, nothing prevents Complimentary documentation we cannot better care, yet not visualize where I work, but I'm sure to promote it and now I think are my ideals.
I would love to work in the public system because I have always attended there, and also we need more professionals in this level of care to reduce waiting time and improve quality.
My commitment is to women, welfare, enforce their rights and especially to strengthen ties with this new life that transported for nine months in her womb.